Investigação matemática : uma análise da sua contribuição na construção de conceitos algébricos / Investigação matemática : uma análise da sua contribuição na construção de conceitos algébricos




This research has the purpose of investigating the potentialities of the Mathematical Investigation in our classroom, in the construction of algebraic concepts by students of the seventh grade of junior high school, with the participation of a collaborating teacher. Our investigative work arose from the idea of Ponte (2003), Fiorentini, Fernandes and Cristóvão (2004) as well as Chevallard, Bosch and Gascón (2001), based on the theory of Vygotsky (1934) and Vergnaud (1994) about the formation of concepts. With such references, we performed a field research in which we proposed an investigation carried out by the students, who were organized in groups and invited to not only solve the problem, but also to register their findings (the issues raised by the problem, how they organized the data, conjectures which were proven and the ones which were not proven, the procedures used to validate such conjectures, etc). The problems presented to the students had as a characteristic situations in which they did not have previous structures already solved, and in order to solve such problems, the students had to mobilize schedules, create hypothesizes, test results and talk to their peers to get a solution. The teachers role in this case was to mediate the construction of such knowledge, and not to demonstrate the model already done. The study showed that the investigation classes may have a great potential in classes of Mathematics, since they were built in an environment of interaction and exchange, influencing the students to create an attitude of predisposition, interest and enthusiasm for the mathematical activity. They also favored the surge of theorems in act and concepts in act, which contributed to our understanding of how the students mathematical construction occurs and also they provided us with important data about the moment in which each student is learning.


conceito educacao formation formação investigação matemática concepts mathematical investigation

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