Investigações preliminares sobre as alterações sexo-dependentes da glicemia produzidas por canatoxina em ratos




1. The chronical administration of canatoxin (0.1mg/kg of ac:tive protein) to intac:t maIe and femaIe rats induced a pronounced sex-reIated dependent aIteration upon the bIood glucose Ievels of the animaIs. Thus, whiIe the males exhibited hypergIycemia the femaIes showed hypoglycemia. 2. A rise in the circuIating glucose IeveIs comparable to that seen in maIe rats was detected in canatoxin-treated pregnant rats. 3. The changes in bIood glucose Ievels produced by anatoxin were blocked when male or female rats were castrated. 4. The pretreatment of intact maIe or female rats with human chorionic: gonadotropin produced a marked inhibition of the previously observed canatoxin-induced blood glucose aIterations. 5. Gonadal steroid replacement did not rever se the inhibition of canatoxin-induced bIood glucose aIterations produced by gonadectomy but the pretreatment of intact female rats with testosterone significantIy bIunted the canatoxin-induced hypoglycemia. 6. A possible involvement of beta-endorphin in the canatoxin-induced sex-reIated bIood glucose alterations was discussed


canatoxina glicemia sexo - diferenças - fisiologia

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