Investigation of the real time communication problem with consumers during energy supply interruption in critical days. / Estudo do problema da comunicação em tempo real com o consumidor na situação de interrupção de fornecimento de energia elétrica em dias críticos.




Severe weather conditions such as hurricanes, lightning storms, etc. have the potential to seriously damage electric utility transmission and distribution systems. This type of damage will disrupt electrical service until the physical facilities can be replaced or repaired. Then large storms can result in a massive number of customer outages, sometimes taking from hours to days to repair. In the meantime, customers can be left without electric service during difficult conditions such as extreme cold or extreme heat - trying to access attendance services and information, without any success because the inevitable congestion in telephones lines. This fact, and others, illustrates that the excellence into relationship with electrical energy consumers still is a challenge in Brazil. The good news that there are means to upgrade existing information systems installed in the distribution sector. This work examines that communication problem with electrical energy consumer during interruptions in critical days, and suggests technologies to answer that problem. The whole theme is faced in a multidisciplinary way, and organized under five contexts: legal aspects, real time communication, information technology, quality of service, and traffic engineering. Further more, this work proposes a basic methodology to preview the amount of consumers calls in those critical days, looking for all variables.


regulation distribuição tecnologia da informação regulação communication electrical energy qualidade de energia information technology energy quality distribution energia elétrica comunicação

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