Involvement of a cell-surface glycoprotein in the cell-sorting process of Dictyostelium discoideum.


Cell sorting among prespore cells and prestalk cells in Dictyostelium discoideum was studied by using fluorochrome-labeled cells in an in vitro assay. Labeled prestalk cells first formed randomly mixed aggregates with unlabeled prespore cells. Then cells began to sort out from each other. About 3-4 hr later, prestalk cells became clustered at one pole of the aggregate. Aggregates deposited on an agar surface underwent morphogenesis and formed migrating slugs within 3 hr. The addition of Fab fragments directed against a cell-surface glycoprotein of Mr 150,000 (gp 150) to the cell mixture completely inhibited the cell-sorting phenomenon. Morphogenesis of such aggregates on agar was also delayed by 5 hr. However, inclusion of Fab fragments directed against the endogenous lectins, the contact site A glycoprotein, or vegetative cells had no detectable effect on cell sorting or morphogenesis of these reconstituted aggregates.

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