Isolation and development of a reticuloendotheliosis virus-transformed lymphoblastoid cell line from chicken spleen cells.


The establishment and characterization of a reticuloendotheliosis virus (strain T)-transformed lymphoblastoid cell line, designated TV-1, was reported. These cells, isolated from the spleen of a moribund chick infected with reticuloendotheliosis virus, were maintained in suspension culture for over 74 weeks at a stable generation time of 15 h. The cells were found to carry a female karyotype. Both TV-1 cells and cell-free TV-1 culture supernatant produced lesions and mortality patterns in chicks which were identical to those caused by reticuloendotheliosis virus (strain T) infection. Examination of TV-1 cells by electron microscope revealed the presence of C-type virions budding from the plasma membrane. Cytotoxicity assays and fluorescent antibody tests indicated the presence of B-cell determinants on the TV-1 cell surface membrane.

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