Jau at stake : social changes end environmental conservation in Parque Nacional do Jau (AM) / Jau em jogos : mudanças sociais e conservação ambiental no Parque Nacional do Jau (AM)




The establishment of restrictive environmental areas figures as one of the main instruments of environmental conservation in the country. Beginning with the fact that the majority of integrally protected areas in Brazil is inhabited, we seek to reveal the processes of social change in course in these areas, based on the study of a specific integrally protected area: the Jaú National Park, in the Brazilian Amazon. The central objective of this research is the comprehension of the inhabitants modes of action in the park while facing a situation of legal Anomia, of suspension of rights provoked by the implantation of an area of integral protection where they live. Some of the central questions that gave direction to our work were: in what way are the inhabitants active subjects in deciding the course of the social transformations in the park? Subjected to use and access restrictions in the park, are the inhabitants actions leading to a unique possible solution? In relation to their objectives and to their manners of action, how does the heterogeneity of these subjects influence and/or determine the direction of the social changes in the park? We verified that, in the face of this situation, the inhabitants modes of action are quite heterogeneous. Some of the main strategies of action observed were: establishment of agreements and institutional partnerships (fishing agreements) and informal partnerships (partnership with sportive fishing entrepreneurs), changes in survival strategies in the form of resource utilization, in relationship with other social subjects participating in this arena of negotiation, exodus and posterior mobilization of ex-inhabitants in the neighboring town of Novo Airão


sociological aspects reserves (protected areas) social change social conflict mudança social areas protegidas conflito social nature conservation conservação da natureza - aspectos sociologicos

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