"Juntemo o medo e a corage e viemo pra cidade..." : mulheres trabalhadoras autonomas na construção de espaços femininos periferia de (Passo Fundo/RS-1996 a 1998)




This study was choosen due to the intensive migration (from rural to urban area) at Passo Fundo (RS), regarding woman participation in the process of social transformation. It is related to the life stories of poor woman groups which migrates to the urban center surroundings, showing all their way through until the present dwelling. Thus, it focus how they face the new urban reality (as being in a poor class level) adapting their own rural life experience (for instance, comparing present and past changes: food, dwelling, relationship). At the same time they are taking new habits but also as keeping the "countryman ethos" meaning the work valorization as a moral value and the family as the last target of ali efforts. In this context, the woman position is remarkable as mother, wife and worker. Women will search and realize the equilibrium of family relationship contributing and overcoming economic difficulties and family adaptation. Therefore, they become an important key in this process These people are different from the others in searching solutions through group actions. This space is a bases to achieve new social ties and to realize a new working form, that is working at home. This research also remarks about woman worries and how creative they are when facing daily social or familiar serious problems. Through new actuation in an urban environment they could change some family relationship at the same time they maintain others. Their experiences provided in the community groups made them able to hold with wisdom the private gap and step by step growing in the public area, keeping in mind also their concern on social matters


trabalho a domicilio trabalhadoras rurais mulheres do campo

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