Juventude trabalhadora brasileira : percursos laborais, trabalhos precários e futuros (in)certos / Young Brazilian working class : trajectory of labour, precarious workand (un)certain futures


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This thesis is a study on work trajectories experienced by young Brazilians. Through singular pathways of labor, we intend to conduct a study of a significant part of Brazilian Youth Workers, trying to analyze: the reconfiguration of the youth category, along the conformation of the labor market and the tensions and contradictions built into the social relations between capital and labor ; personal investments and financial and family arrangements constructed in the field of training in search of better conditions of access and retention in employment, forms of labor insertions observed, considering the relations that differentiate them, such as social class, gender and race / ethnicity. The methodology that informs this research agenda on what Norbert Elias (2000, p. 16) defines as microsociological studies, understanding that they can reveal aspects found on a larger scale, in the society as a whole: "the problems of small scale development of a community and the large-scale problems of a country are inseparable. It makes little sense to study phenomena of community as if they occurred in a sociological vacuum". The empirical field of analysis of this survey consisted of nine juvenile trajectories originating from a public policy of qualification and the labor market, the Consortium of Social Youth and the Metropolitan Region of Salvador. The methodology used in this work coalesced methods, techniques and research tools in an approach that combines statistical data and interviews, analyzed as manifestations of social life of their own subjects to interact on the basis of meaning (individual, social, worship, etc.) and economic and social contexts.


formação trabalho juventude formation work youth

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