La red sobre trabajo infantil peligroso (Red Tip)


Ciência & Saúde Coletiva




In the world, approximately 351.7 millions children between 5 and 17 years old work. Of them, 170,5 millions (48.5%) work at the hazardous child labor forms. A high percentage is in agriculture, others in mines, manufactures, brick makers, predominantly in informal economy. The 138 Convention of ILO and the 182 Convention, define as hazardous child labor activities that can affect the health, safety and morality of the children. Studies on the children at work point out their particular susceptibility to some occupational risks, increasing the danger for their normal development and growth. "They are not little adults". The occupational health professionals, can collaborate with the professionals and the organizations specialized on child labor in the definition and characterization of hazardous child labor. The Network about Hazardous Child Labor (Red TIP) aims to facilitate the collaboration between professionals and organizations, focusing on the elimination of the hazardous child labor, in the rescuing of the young workers and on the development of their opportunity to smile now and in the future.

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