Land use and land cover evolution patterns in Rondônia Center-North region / Evolução de padrões de uso e cobertura da terra na região Centro-Norte de Rondônia




This work proposes a method to analyze the process of land use and land cover change partitioning the study region, considering spatial and temporal patterns extracted from visual analysis of historical series of TM/Landsat imagery. The study area is located at the Center-North region of Rondônia state, a pioneer region, where small settlements planned by INCRA are predominant. The analysis of deforestation from 1985 to 2000 showed that the deforestation increased three fold in this period, and frequently older settlements exceeded the 50% of deforestation established by Brazilian forest code (Brazil, 1965). Pioneer settlements presented less than 20% of forest remnants meaning that the Brazilian Forest Code (Brasil, 1965) and Zoneamento Ecológico-Econômico (Rondônia, 2000) have not been respected. The proportion of the deforestation attributable to small, medium and large land holdings was similar, after taking into account the percentage of the study area occupied by each of these categories. Contrary to traditional model of land rotation, the result of the spatial and age analysis of the secondary vegetation suggests a scenario of land use intensification. Only 16% of the deforested landscapes were occupied by secondary forest in 2000 and only 9% of these were more than 15 years old. It was observed that the places where deforestation process is intensive, the amount of secondary vegetation is low. Finally, the analysis of deforested area associated with information about properties allowed us to identify a process of land concentration, that need to be studied more deeply.


land use land cover rondonia (ro) vegetação secundária desflorestamento deforestation rondônia (ro) padrões uso da terra amazônia (região) secondary vegetation forest code código florestal cobertura da terra patterns amazon (region)

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