Lapsos de linguagem e posição discursiva de alunos formandos de letras




This study aimed to analyze qualitatively the lapses produced in the writing of undergraduate students of the last semester of a private College in Language Studies in the State of São Paulo. Along the research we attempted to answer the following questions: 1) What is the difference between error and lapses in the writing of second language learners?; 2) How to distinguish, in writing, the errors made by ignorance (lack of knowledge) from the lapses?; 3) What can the lapses produced by college senior students of Language Courses reveal about their present moment and insertion in the job market as professional? To approach these questions we searched for theoretical support in the works of Freud, especially the definition of lapses and the repression theory, as well as in the works of the French Discourse Analysis, more specifically the definition of ?production conditions?. We believe these theories help us better understand the differentiation between errors and lapses in the writing of students learning a foreign language. We selected, therefore, extracts from texts related to the theme of language teaching and learning and also related to the future professional expectations, in which some lapses could be found. The last semester students were chosen for two specific reasons as target group. Firstly, these students had an intermediate level of English to make possible the differentiation of what might be an error or a lapse in their writing. Secondly, the students were living a transition period of their lives - when they were about to break links with the university and the teachers - and preparing themselves to become a certified professional. Graduating a course is a very important goal imposed by society because there is a change in social roles. Consequently, the student is expected to change a student?s discourse into a teacher?s discourse. This research aims to review the dichotomy right x wrong in the second language learning and also reflect about the identity constitution of the college senior student, specifically of the student graduating in the Language Course


lingua inglesa psicanalise analise do discurso formação de professores identidade

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