Largeeddy simulation in three dimentional liddriven cavities using dynamic models / SimulaÃÃo numÃrica de grandes escalas em cavidades tridimensionais com tampa deslizante utilizando modelagem dinÃmica




In the present work a numerical code of fourth order in space and third order in time, with dynamical turbulence model was developed. This code was applied in order to study turbulence transition in liddriven cavity flow in bi and threedimensional configurations. The simulations had been carried out for bi and threedimensional configurations. The twodimensional simulations were performed to be compared with results presented in the literature in order to validate the developed code, as well as to define the best parameters for the simulations in the threedimensional configuration. The Reynolds numbers was taken as 3,200, 10,000, 25,000, 50,000 and 100.000. The simulations of cubic liddriven cavity flow with Reynolds numbers 3,200 and 10,000 were compared with results presented in the literature. The twodimensional simulation was performed without turbulence model and the threedimensional simulations were performed with the Smagorinsky and GermanoÂs dynamic subgrid scale models. The dynamic subgrid model was chosen inr order to simulate high Reynolds number flows. The topological physical nature was analyzed and some important new physic characteristics were pointed out.


largeeddy simulation engenharia mecanica turbulÃncia escoamentos turbulentos modelo dinÃmico de germano turbulent flow germanoÂs dynamic models mecÃnica dos fluidos simulaÃÃo de grandes escalas liddriven cavities cavidades com tampas deslizantes

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