Lazer e aposentadoria : relações e significados




This study seeks to comprehend the relation between leisure and retirement. It also searches retired people conceptions of oldness, retiremente and leisure, by their own experiences. The research had exploratory character, having recourse to bibliographical and documental investigation and oral reports. The researched subjects were retired people of both sexes, leaders, employees and volunteers linked to Campinas and Area Retired Association (Associação dos Aposentados de Campinas e Região) . The work was structured in the form of "case study", looking for to observe how leisure is expressed in the instituition. The study revealed that oldness is not na identification, the subjects don t define themselves as old people everytime of their lives. Retirement doesn t means great changes about leisure time, leisure is not the pivotof their lives. The research demonstrated that, even in bad financial conditions, retired people have leisure choices. In the retired condition, there is something besides the occupation of the "unoccupied time" of work activities, or of the "usefulness sensation" due to the "uselessness". The group has access to the tourist market of the city, practices games, visits theaters and movies, and usufructs another moments of leisure lived in the home day by day and in the family uni verse. The relation between leisure and retirement is mediated by intrinsical meanings of these moments in subject lives


velhice lazer aposentadoria

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