Lazer, educação informal e traços culturais do migrante brasileiro que permanece temporariamente no Japão - Diálogo de traços étnico-culturais e de lazer entre brasileiros no Japão e japoneses no Brasil / Leisure, Informal education and cultural features as for brazilian migrants who live temporarily In Japan: a dialog between the ethnic/cultural features as well as the leisure activities of brazilians in Japan and those of japanese in Brazil.




This research encompasses qualitative and quantitative social-cultural aspects as to leisure, informal education and cultural features of Brazilians who lived temporarily in Japan in search for better living conditions. Firstly, a conceptual and theoretical discussion deals with issues such as leisure and its roles, free time, liberated time and unemployment, non-formal and informal education, and it outlines those Brazilians cultural features. Additionally, it addresses unemployment in Brazil and in the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo in the 80s and 90s, with a short circumstantial report on Brazilians migration to Japan. The target public which comprises the sample is assessed with basis on questionnaires, and their history is approached through interviews consisting of standardized open questions recorded in cassettes, and through a bibliographical study. An analysis of the information gathered is provided, showing the Brazilian contribution to the Japanese life and what its social and cultural impacts on the local people were. Such findings make up this study guideline, furnished with similar situations faced by Japanese immigrants in Brazil formerly reported in a master s thesis*, resulting in a synchronic dialog. It is apparent that both leisure and informal education have wielded considerable influence upon the cultural features of Brazilian migrants in Japan, likewise it happened to Japanese immigrants in Brazil.


free time leisure imigrante japonês informal education migrante brasileiro cultura solidária unemployment cultural features solidarity culture desemprego brazilian migrant traços culturais educação informal japanese immigrant lazer tempo livre

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