Legislação e educação: o ideário reformista do ensino primário em Sergipe na Primeira República - 1889-1930.




The present work intends to discuss the genesis of the Republican teaching in the State of Sergipe (northeast of Brazil), from 1889 to 1930, also called First Republic or Old Republic. The Republic, initiated in 1889, comes together with the belief in the necessity of a remodeling of the economical, political and social order, and in the conviction that education would be the strongest tool for the consolidation of the republican regimen and for the construction of a modern country, capable of offering the people the conditions to be inserted in a representative democratic regimen. In the educational field, it can be pointed out the reforms directed to the public instruction by the State and the Union. The Republic would educate, instruct and form the refined men and free citizens. From the instruction development, men with a new mentality would be born to overcome the intellectual and cultural delay of the country. What was proposed and which possible historical direction of the school education in the First Republic in relation to the structure, to the organization and to the assistance of the primary teaching in the State of Sergipe? We have taken as presumption that the educational laws reveal, in a judging/ institutional and political level, the educational proposals of the ruling segments of the society, while part of a historical social process, in which for their legitimacy through the available tools, the maintenance and consolidation of a certain form of power. For the survey of the issues we have used, firstly , the usual techniques of the work with primary and secondary document resources highlighting the laws, decrees, rules and messages of the government and newspapers from 1889 to 1930, in the state of Sergipe. In the set of actions and procedures, the pedagogical as well as the we political ones, we have evidenced the absence of direction, of a clear design in leading a broad project, that had favored the entrance of the majority of the population to the school education. On the hand, the amount of legal acts directed to the public instruction in order to reform it, is showing that the education was thought and reaffirmed insistently with the purpose of incorporating a republican society project that also has not maintained itself.


sociologia educacional ensino - legislação sociologia da educacao educação - história

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