Leguminosas para utilização em sistema plantio direto na cultura do milho nos tabuleiros costeiros do estado de Alagoas.




An important strategy to obtain better quality of soil is the association of conservative systems on soil management with ground cover cultures which provide increased additions of carbon and nitrogen. Among the soil quality indicators, N has been pinpointed due to its relation to the productive capacity of the soil, once the increment on the yield of economical cultivations, when done subsequently to ground cover cultures, has been attributed to the increasing availability of N. In this way, leguminous plants are mainly preferred because of their symbiotic capacity with Rhizobium bacteria, which trap atmospheric nitrogen. The aim of this work was to evaluate three species of leguminous (crotalaria, guandu and black mucuna) for utilization of Direct Cultivation System (DCS) in maize culture. The statistical outline was done in randomized blocks with four repetitions in subdivided parcels, leguminous in parcels and two applications of N (0 and 80 kg ha-1) in subparcels. Before the seeding of DKB 333 B hybrid maize, the experimental area was prepared with limestone and cultivated leguminous before mentioned leguminous, in order to promote the implementation of the SPD. At 155 days after seeding, the high flowered leguminous were desiccated by apllication of 4 L ha-1 Glyfosate herbicide. The seeding of maize was then held making use of sowing machine propelled by mechanical traction with a spacing of 0,80 m x 0,20 m. The guandu species not only presented a better performance concerning the production of biomass and total accumulated N per hectare when compared to the other species. Crotalaria positively influenced the productivity of successively cultivated maize grains. The addition of 80 kg ha-1 of N for higher production of maize provided a reduction in the proportions of P, K, Ca + Mg, T and V in the soil.


agronomia produtividade do milho plantas de cobertura do solo soil management mize productivity manejo do solo ground cover plant

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