LicitaÃÃes pÃblicas realizadas com recursos oriundos de organismo de cooperaÃÃo internacional




This Dissertation has as target to check the possibility of having Government acquisitions by using international financing, through International Organisms of Cooperation. It studies the applicability of the foreign law facing National Standards, according Brazilian Constitution. Itâll be studied the historic and the origin of Public Biddings in Brazil. The enclosed obligations in the Political Brazilian Law, in order to follow National Standards and National Law, instead Foreign Law. The use of Public Biddings as instrument to get the best prices to the Government. Itâll analyse Standards that are mandatory to the Brazilian Public Biddings. An historical view of Breton Woods System will be given. Overview of the main International Organisms of Cooperation. Insertion of Brazil at the new international system criated by Breton Woods. The World Bank. Inter-American Development Bank. United Nations Development Program. This work will make a checking list between guidelines provided by United Nations Development Program, by The World Bank and by Inter-American Development Bank and National rules about Public Biddings. The work will show the superiority of Brazilian Constitutional Standards over these guidelines. Itâll try to provide the best interpretation to the Brazilian Public Biddings Law according Constitutional Standards. Itâll show judicial decisions about this subject, mainly Judicial Decisions taken from the Brazilian Administrative Court. Itâll try to demonstrate the possibility to have guidelines and National Law living together. ItÂll show the necessity of the Brazilian Public Agents improving negotiations in order to get an intersection point between the considered Judicial Systems, without violate national sovereignty.


norma alienÃgena government acquisitions licitaÃÃes international financing administracao publica organismos internacionais de cooperaÃÃo foreign law facing national standards international organisms of cooperation direito internacional privado; direito internacional pÃblico; direito comercial; contratos (direito internacional pÃblico) princÃpios, licitaÃÃes pÃblicas nacionais compras governamentais

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