Limited independent flexion of the thumb and fingers in human subjects.


1. We investigated whether human subjects can activate selectively flexor pollicis longus (FPL) and digital portions of flexor digitorum profundus (FDP). These muscles were selected because they are the only flexors of the distal phalanges. 2. Electromyographic activity (EMG) was recorded with intramuscular electrodes from one digital component of the deep flexors ('test') while subjects lifted weights by flexing the distal interphalangeal joint of the other digits in turn ('lifting' digits). Only recording sites at which single motor units were recruited selectively at low forces were used. The weights lifted represented 2.5-50% of the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). We measured the lowest weight lifted which produced phasic and tonic coactivation in the 'test' muscle. 3. The extent of coactivation varied with the 'distance' between the test and lifting digits although no significant difference occurred in the pattern of coactivation thresholds among the digital flexors. The extent of coactivation increased when angular displacement or velocity at the distal interphalangeal joint of the lifting digit increased but was not critically dependent on restraint of the hand. 4. Because mechanical 'connections' could interfere with the ability to move a distal phalanx independently, the arms of nine cadavers were studied. The separation of tendons between the thumb (FPL) and the index portion of FDP, and between the index and middle portions of FDP, usually extended more proximally in the forearm than separation between the tendons to the middle and ring fingers and between the ring and little fingers. Direct intertendinous links were also noted. 5. It is not possible to direct a sufficiently focal motor command to flex selectively the distal joint of the fingers and thumb when forces exceeding 2.5% MVC are generated. For the middle, ring and little fingers in particular, movement of adjacent digits may also involve 'in-series' mechanical links between adjacent components of FDP.

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