Limites Ãticos e jurÃdicos à clonagem humana no Brasil




This work studies clonage of human beings and its ethical and juridical implications. At the same time, it searches for standing out how genetic manipulation affects humanity, raising a wide discussion about opinions of values and reformulation of traditional concepts. The great challenge of 21st century will be developing a bioethics and a biolaw which redeem and put up the value of the human beingâs dignity, upon considering it as humanist biomedical paradigm. The text approaches, besides, the biogenetic experiences in human beings and its limits, having as basis the normative ground relating to the theme. Taking into account that the human genome is a patrimony of all humanity, itâs stood out the necessity of creating universal bioethical references which guarantee dignity, biosecurity and human life. Human clonage is discussed under the point of view of the standing Brazilian juridical arrangement and under the knowledge of the basic principles of bioethics and biolaw. Finally, the aspects of Brazilian Constitution are analysed as the greatest pledge about bioethical dilemmas


dignidade humana biodireito biolaw direito biotecnologia clonagem humana bioÃtica bioethics human dignity human clonage biotechnology

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