Locomotivas de C.A : uma analise harmonica da corrente




AC thyristor controlled electric traction became very usual around the world. Thyristors provide good control performance but they always cause problems to the traction electric system. Overvoltages may arise in the contact line feeding the locomotive and also harmonics generated in the thyristors may affected the grid to which the whole system is connected. The aim of this work is to obtain a procedure to be used in the analysis of the current drawn by the locomotive from the contact wire. In the system selected to be investigated the locomotive is fed from industrial frequency AC high voltage mains and a step-down transformer is used to adequate the voltage to be applied to the motors. The separately-excited are fed from a set of cascaded rectifier bridges. Since a procedure can be developed to analyse the locomotive current, overvoltages in the contact wire can be predicted and controlled by means of filters


controle por tiristores locomotivas eletricas acionamento eletrico correntes alternadas

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