Lung function of healthy boys and girls in Jamaica in relation to ethnic composition, test exercise performance, and habitual physical activity


Miller, G. J., Saunders, M. J., Gilson, R. J. C., and Ashcroft, M. T. (1977).Thorax, 32, 486-496. Lung function of healthy boys and girls in Jamaica in relation to ethnic composition, test exercise performance, and habitual physical activity. The relationships of forced expiratory volume and forced vital capacity on height, age, sex, area of residence, and ethnic composition were assessed in 622 children in Jamaica. Rural children in hill-farming communities were judged to have a higher habitual physical activity than urban children. Allowing for differences in body size, forced vital capacity averaged 3% greater in rural children than in urban children, 7% less in girls than in boys, and 16% greater in children of European origin than in children of African descent.

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