Make distribuido




This work presents the design and implementation of a Distributed Make (MakeD) utility. The MakeD c1ient/server application allows using a network as a single computing resource to reduce compilation time in the development of medium and large projects. In a typical development environment, client workstations presents relatively short periods of high CPU load followed by long periods of low or zero utilization. MakeD uses ordinary c1ients as CPU servers in order to distribute tasks, thus making a network s id1e processor capacity available and balancing resource use. MakeD uses RPC and multithreading to achieve distributed processing in the network and multitasking within each node. The results of comparative tests show performance gains relative to GNU Make and a similar distributed make (Dmake). This work also discusses some aspects of transforming centralized applications into distributed ones and proposes a multi-user distributed Make Server as a future evolution


algoritmos programação paralela (computação)

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