Malabsorção de lactose de adulto em uma população nordestina




Milk accupies a central pasit ian in the mankind ´s nutritional efforts. In the last decades this privileged situation has been shaken with the more detailed knowledge af the consumption af this animal product and of the risks potentials resulting from this habit. A critical point was the recognition of the existence of the adult type lactase malabsarption in most normal human adults. This research has cooperated with the scanty knowledge about the reality of the prevalence of the adult type lactose malabsorption in Brazil, investigating the unknown situation in the country northeast. A sample camposed of 37 healthy individuaIs, no cansanguineaus, barn in northeast Brazil, were investigated about milk cansumption, history of milk intolerance, prevalence of adult type lactose malabsorption, lactase intolerance and the associations among these data. The results painted out that the prevaIence af adult type lactose malabsorption may be estimated as 75,7Y-, whereas 64,9Y- showed lactose intolerance, 59,5Y- drank a miIk glass per day ar Iess and 13,5X reported personal history of milk intolerance. It was not demonstrated significant association among adult type lactose malabsorption and consumption or history of milk intolerance, nor among milk consumption and personal history of milk intolerance. Nevertheless lactose malabsorption was significantly associated with lactose intolerance. These finding did not favour the adaptive theory of the etiology of adult type lactose malabsorption or the lactose intolerance, thus confirming the genetic basis of these traits. Analysing the milk consumption among the malabsorbers has emerged the cultural factor as a dinamic component in this habit conformation It was observed that, associated with lactose malabsorption prevalence determination or estimation in the Brazilian regions, there 15 the observation on the differences among their ethnic/racial composition, with great european imigration in the south and toward the northnortheast a Negroids and Indians influence increase, combinated with the Caucasoids in intense mixture, phenomenon that conducted to the formation of trihibrid populations in the northern and, thus, it was speculated a south-north gradiente, in Brazil, of prevalence lactose malabsorption progressive increase, 1n connection with the "calcium absorption hypotheses" that tries to explain this distribution


lactose - intolerancia

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