MÃtodos geodÃsicos para a racionalizaÃÃo construtiva no posicionamento preciso de edificaÃÃes prediais




The main objective of this work is to develop a methodology that allows the use of geodetic and topographical techniques for using in urban works of small and medium building constructions. The use of these techniques contributes to the improvement in the processes of constructive rationalization, for dimensional controlling of engineering work, and for updating of the cadastral topographical maps. In order to implement and to update cadastral maps is usual to establish a topographical network. This network also is used for building precise positioning The established topographical network will be used also to georeference the surveyed area thus allowing to update the ABNT (AssociaÃÃo Brasileira de Normas TÃcnicas) standards


controle dimensional da obra geodesic methods dimensional control of the work cadastral topographical plants racionalizaÃÃo construtiva plantas topogrÃficas cadastrais mÃtodos geodÃsicos geodesia constructive rationalization

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