Measurement of pulmonary capillary blood flow in infants by plethysmography.


An accurate method for measuring effective pulmonary capillary blood flow (Qc eff) in infants has been developed with an adaptation of the plethysmographic technique. Measurements were made on 19 preterm. 14 small-for-dates, and 7 fullterm normal infants with a constant volume whole body plethysmograph in which the infant rebreathed nitrous oxide. There was a highly significant correlation between Qc eff and body weight, and this relationship was unaffected by premature delivery or intrauterine growth retardation. Mean Qc eff in preterm, small-for dates, and fullterm infants was 203, 208 and 197 ml min-1 kg-1, respectively, with no significant differences between the groups. A significant negative correlation existed between Qc eff and haematocrit in the preterm infants. There was no relationship between weight standardized Qc eff and postnatal age in any of the groups. With this technique, it was possible to readily recognise the presence of rapid recirculation (indicative of shunting) in several of the infants, suggesting that rebreathing methods for the assessment of Qc eff should not be applied indiscriminately during the neonatal period. By taking care to overcome the potential sources of technical error, it was possible to obtain highly reproducible results of Qc eff in infants over a wider age range than has been previously reported.

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