Mechanisms of immunity to infection with typhus rickettsiae: infected fibroblasts bear rickettsial antigens on their surfaces.


As with any immune response to infectious organisms, both antibody and T cell-mediated immune responses to infection with Rickettsia typhi require the appropriate presentation of rickettsial antigens to immunocompetent cells. Considering the obligate intracellular nature of rickettsiae, the exact mechanisms by which lymphocytes and macrophages encounter and respond to rickettsial antigens may depend on certain aspects of pathogenesis and on the availability of organisms or their antigens to cells of the immune system. One potential mode of rickettsial antigen presentation, not previously identified, is the appearance in vitro of rickettsial antigens on the cell membrane of R. typhi-infected L-929 fibroblasts. Polyvalent fluoresceinated rabbit antisera directed against whole R. typhi cells used in flow cytometric analysis of infected fibroblasts showed an increasing presence of R. typhi antigen on the host cell membrane 1 to 3 days postinfection. The significance of this finding in the pathophysiology of rickettsia-host interactions and the generation of cytotoxic T cell-mediated immunity and antibody immunity is discussed.

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