Medidas não convencionais de reservação dágua e controle da poluição hídrica em lotes domiciliares / Unconventional measures of reservoir water and control water pollution in urban lots




This paper aims to analyze the reduction of hydropollution through monitoring non conventional reservation of water applied in urban lots starting from individual and global efficiency integrated to the lot. It also prioritizes the monitoring of both quality and quantity of pollution and the rain flow from its draining. The inclusion of these measurements on residential and/or commercial lots offers opportunities of improvement on controlling floods besides improving the refilling of the aquifer and on diminishing the hydrological impact on its own generation source. Among the appliances and actions taken towards the goal some can be highlighted: infiltration trenchers and deep well, reservoir with retention of superficial flow that originates from the rain and treatment of residual water for non-drinking use. The structures of reutilization of water favor the detention and retention on the lot and contribute to diminish the flow into the appliances directed to micro and macro-drainage. To each of the applications, monitoring with precision equipment such as digital limnigraphs, weather stations and analysis of quality of the water were applied. The generated data contributed to the storage of indicators and also filled in a gap left by the suggestion of setting the appliances on the source for adapting and optimizing the draining system and an alternative control. The results obtained by the monitoring indicate that their implementation on the lots allow an efficiency of up to 80% on the retention of the flow when compared to a home without water use control. This scenery filled in conventionally on a trend resulted in flowing laminas of up to 90% of the total amount of rain. During the one year of this operation, were analyzed approximately 120 natural, non-induced events and in six months of evaluated data was shown that there is efficiency presented in the installed appliances. So, the combined effect of the procedures improves the control of the flow and increases the capacity for water storage on private areas. It is recommended the development of an integrated and decentralized management system of urban waters focusing on selective draining based on the use of rain water.


reservação d água non-conventional or compensatory measurements Águas urbanas hydrological monitoring medidas não convencionais ou compensatórias urban waters saving water monitoramento hidrológico

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