Melhoria de produtividade utilizando estações automatizadas móveis em linha de montagem de veículos em indústria automotiva do Vale do Paraíba


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The purpose of this presentation is to seek greater productivity by deploying significant productivity improvements by applying the tools of lean manufacturing in an assembly area for vehicles already considered "lean" on the premise that there are always opportunities to improve the production process. This work presents an innovation in applying the tools of lean manufacturing, through the study of each element of the operation, its balance and the identification of waste, such as the unnecessary movement. This innovation, an Automated Mobile Work Station for vehicle assembly is focused on eliminating waste and unnecessary movements that do not add value in the final product. Among the achievements include the reduction of up to 5 seconds per transaction, reducing the workload from 101.1 to 96.2 s with balance of operations and to 92.8 s plus the release of the production area and end of the intermediate storage with a rebalance and implementation of the Automated Mobile Work Station.


manufatura enxuta kaizen eliminação de desperdícios lean manufacturing waste elimination engenharia de producao

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