Memories of tailors : meanings of life and work / Memorias de alfaiates : significados de vida e trabalho




The aim of this research is to look into the topic of work in the narratives of aged tailors, when asked to speak about their lives by means of remembrances. The research was developed with the participation of tailors whose age varied from 65 to 98. They have spent most of their lives in Campinas (SP) having in common the practice of their jobs in the twentieth century. In the light of gerontology and in the perspective of valuing remembrances in old age, the research gives evidence that these old men, when speaking about themselves, back up on the topic work (working life). They use it as a guideline to organize and structure their memories creating a state of harmony between life and work. This study enlarges the spectrum of interpretations of the narratives using a biographical method as well as a systematization for the reading of the accounts. This enables analyses about the specifications upon which the elder backs up to speak about himself and to express his ideas about the world and about work as an existential and social content


envelhecimento social approach memorias - aspectos sociais memoria memorias - aspectos psicológicos taylors alfaiates memories memories aging memory psychological approach

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