Memory neuron: operating characteristics for the memory component of a neuroconnective brain model.


In this paper an attempt is made to deduce the principal operating operating characteristics that a neuron would need in order to qualify as the basic memory component of a sensory memory system. The required characteristics are found to include the possession of many--perhaps more than 100--separately innervated "recording connections," in each of which the constituent synapses can be put in a persisting state of (inhibitory) effectiveness or of ineffectiveness depending on whether the input axon is inactive or is carrying spikes at the time a triggering "recording command" comes to the memory neuron. The synapses of the recording connections must also respond to an "erasing command" by assuming a common prerecording state unaffected by previous history. At other times a synapse-regeneration feature must operate, to counter any decay of effectiveness of connections that have been left by recording in an effective state as well as any acquisition of effectiveness by connections that have been left in an ineffective state.

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