Metafisica e racionalidade científica: um ensaio sobre os fundamentos da matemática / Metaphysics and scientific rationality: an essay concerning the foundations of mathematics.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The thesis is centered on the debate concerning important issues of the contemporary philosophy of mathematics, mainly derived from the contributions and perspectives sketched in the nineteenth century, when the crisis on the foundations of mathematics initiated a wide discussion among the three main positions consolidated in the twentieth centurys mathematical thought, namely, logicism, intuitionism and formalism. The disputation which came to light was outlined as a normative problem, extrinsic to the mathematical theory properly so-called, but subjacent to it, when touches the questions related to the inherent ontology of mathematics, centered on realist or anti-realist conceptions. After Brouwer, above all, realism and anti-realism tend to give raise to different positions about the acceptation of some concepts involved in classic mathematics. This work is developed in order to vindicate the plausibility of an anti-realist and non-revisionist position in mathematics. In other words, I try to argue in favor of the possibility of the acceptation of some usual notions employed in classical mathematics, without the necessity of postulating the existence of mathematical entities as independent beings, basing my arguments on some epistemological claims regarding the foundations of mathematics


ciência epistemologia epistemology filosofia matemática mathematics philosophy science

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