Metasyntatic abilities and reading acquisition: a study with children in their first year of reading instruction / Habilidades metassintáticas e aprendizagem da leitura: estudo com crianças da 1 série do ensino fundamental




The overview of the literature shows strong evidence of the relationship between syntactic awareness and reading acquisition. This work aims at investigating specific relationships between implicit (epimorphosyntactic and episyntactic) and explicit (metamorphosyntactic and metasyntactic) syntactic abilities, and reading seen as word recognition and sentence understanding. Two hypotheses were investigated: 1) The epimorphosyntactic ability is a predictor of sentence understanding. 2) Word recognition is a predictor of the metamorphosyntactic ability and sentence understanding is a predictor of the metasyntactic ability. The study was based on experimental tasks, applied individually to 31 first grade children, 6 to 8 years old. At the beginning of the year three tasks were applied: verbal memory, judgement and correction of sentences with morphological violations, judgement and correction of sentences with violations in the word order. In the middle of the year, two tasks were applied: word recognition and reading comprehension. At the end of the year, a task of repetition and correction of sentences with morphological violations and the task of lexical segmentation were applied. The data were submitted to the Pearson correlation test and tests of regression with fixed variables. Results showed that the hypotheses must be partially accepted. Epimorphosyntactic ability is a predictor of both, word recognition and sentence understanding. Ability for word recognition appears as a predictor of metamorphosyntactic and metasyntactic abilities. These results are discussed in relation to others found in the literature overview


leitura (ensino elementar) educacao metassintática metalinguagem

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