Methylation blockage and other improvements to a comprehensive DNA analysis program.


A comprehensive DNA analysis computer program was described in the second special issue of Nucleic Acids Research on the applications of computers to research on nucleic acids by Stone and Potter (1). Criteria used in designing the program were user friendliness, ability to handle large DNA sequences, low storage requirement, migratability to other computers and comprehensive analysis capability. The program has been used extensively in an industrial-research environment. This paper talks about improvements to that program. These improvements include testing for methylation blockage of restriction enzyme recognition sites, homology analysis, RNA folding analysis, integration of a large DNA database (GenBank), a site specific mutagenesis analysis, a protein database and protein searching programs. The original design of the DNA analysis program using a command executive from which any analytical programs can be called, has proven to be extremely versatile in integrating both developed and outside programs to the file management system employed.

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