Metodologia para analise cinematica da corrida




: In order to analyze human movement in a quantitative way, the human eye is not always the most adequate instrument. It is necessary to keep the sequence of images of the analized phenomenon for a certain time, which is not possible for information about movement, which can be stored, becoming available for analysis. To these discrete data, we associate a continuous function to improve their representation. Thus, we have developed a complete and precise quantitative description method of humam movement. In this work, we have measured the kinematic variables of a subject?s lower while running and have detected patterns and rhythms of this movement. Therefore, the aim of this study is to develop a method sensitive to the quantitative analysis of kinematics of human movement. The methodology developed consists of a sequence of technical procedures. It begins with the shooting of parts of a subject?s run using one VHS video camera. Next, we digitalize each sequence of images frame-to-frame, transferring this information to the computer. Then, we measure the angular position of the lower limbs in relation to the vertical, and the horizontal and vertical position of the knee joint as a function of time. We also correct the scale and perspective effects due to monocular filming with a camera which followed the subject?s run with a rotation movement on a fixed tripod... Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic digital thesis or dissertations


movimento - estudo corridas corredor - esportes

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