Metodologia para redução do custo de refugos de fornecedores


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The general purpose of this work is to study, in an automotive industry, the reduction of the costs of scrap and rework caused by no manufacturing quality or due to deficiencies in transport parts purchased from suppliers in Europe. To obtain the results the method was initially used to search bibliographic providing the basis for the descriptive case study in an automotive industry. This study was aimed at applied research, because it was motivated by solving a real problem, which is the reduction of these costs. Inspired by the tools of Lean Manufacturing it was created a working group to develop a procedure for invoicing again the not quality costs from European suppliers as well as the methodology was applied Hoshin to improve the processes of insurer in case of accidents in transport of these suppliers. To solve these problems the quality tools have been widely used. It was possible to invoice again from external suppliers in Europe about R$ 635.000,00 and lower R$ 305.312,00 in costs with scraps of domestic suppliers in Europe. Applying the procedure prompted the internal and external suppliers and the monthly cost with scrap considering the re-sales rose from R$ 86.973,00 to R$ 10.104,00. The cost per vehicle was R$ 10,32 to R$ 3,74. The gain added by 2009 was R$ 1.238.476,00.


manufatura enxuta relacionamento com fornecedores ferramentas da qualidade custos da qualidade metodologia hoshin trabalho em equipe lean manufacturing relationship with suppliers quality tools quality costs methodology hoshin working group engenharia de producao

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