Métodos de Valoração Econômica Ambiental e Danos Ambientais Causados pela Bovinocultura de Corte




Agribusiness has been o fundamental importance to the economy of Brazil and Mato Grosso do Sul. The surprising success of Brazilian agro-animal husbandry production has revealed its immense potential in this area, shown by its figures. However, over the last decades, the environment has been suffering negative impacts as a result of human activities, such as the removal of native vegetation for the plantation of tillage and pasture, ignoring soil aptitude and without employing practices of soil maintenance and conservation, resulting in the acceleration of erosive processes and the degradation of pasture, considered one of the greatest problems of animal husbandry in Brazil and in the state. Besides environmental damages caused to the soil, the sanding of rivers and the destruction of native bushes and, consequently, of the surrounding biodiversity, results of inadequate production management, cattle raising has also caused other damage to the environment: high consumption of water for meat production and gas generation that intensify the greenhouse effect. At present, the commensuration of the economic values of goods and services provided by nature, as well as the valorization of the negative environmental impact resulting from productive systems, constitute the principal questions in the study of the relations between economy and environment, becoming fundamental for the cost-benefit analysis of any activity. Thus this research aimed at stressing the difficulties and limitations of this economic valorization, given the damages caused by prime-beef cattle raising, emphasizing the degradation of pastures, erosion, water consumption for meat production and the generation of methane that intensifies the greenhouse effect. The difficulties encountered and the limitations were: high complexity of the economic and envoronmental valorization, absence os research referring to this and the divergences of statistical data.


economias agraria e dos recursos naturais agronegócios valoração econômica environment economic valorization meio ambiente agribusiness

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