Mirueira: metrÃpole da dor : prÃticas de exclusÃo e tÃticas de resistÃncia. 1940-1960




In this work I analyze from the construction process of the Colony Hospital of Mirueira - institution responsible for the leprous social isolation from the state of Pernambuco â some social practices that have concurred for the construction of a determined knowledge about leprosy and leprous between 1940 to 1960 in that same state. Those practices were responsible for the definition of spaces, rules and strategies that were imposed to persons that contracted leprosy, as well as for a new identity also imposed to those sick persons: a leprous one. At the same time exclusion practices were been imposed, resistance tactics were invented daily by those sick persons to escape from that exclusion net. On that way I analyze both: the tactics developed by those sick persons before they enter in the Colony Hospital reported and the tactics created by them to recreate and to transform that space imposed to them


lepra leprosy resistÃncia stigma exclusÃo social resistance estigma social exclusion historia

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