Mitos e segredos: um estudo sobre a estrutura e a dinâmica familiar no psicodiagnóstico infantil




In this dissertation, family myths and secrets were studied and utilized as interpretative instruments in the psycho-diagnosis of children with the objective of broadening the investigation of children s inner dynamics, within a historical framework of three generations. The initial interviews, anamneses and tri-generational interviews held with parents, as well as the diagnostic play sessions with children, were presented and analyzed, as part of a broad psycho-diagnostic process. Then followed a reconstruction of the family histories, in order to detect the myths and secrets which would give access to the unconscious family structures and make possible a better understanding of children s symptomatic formations as well as the anxieties and phantasies expressed during the play sessions. Five clinical cases, of children between the ages of three and nine years? attend in a private clinic, were used as material to illustrate the proposed analysis. The study of family myths and secrets was shown to be a facilitating instrument in the understanding of reciprocal influences between children s disturbances and family dynamics. The comparison between the play session and the tri-generational investigation not only allowed broader knowledge of the individuals under study, but also a more complete understanding of the children during the play sessions. As a result, a greater discrimination between intra- and inter-personal conflicts became possible, permitting more adequate guidance for the parents


psicologia mitos familiares pratica clinica psicodinamica familiar psicologia familiar familia -- aspectos psicologicos psicologia infantil

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