MLA Certification by examination under the 1964 code: a survey of 1975-1976 participants.


The increased attention being given to an examination in the Medical Library Association certification process prompted a study of a group taking the examination under the old (1964 revision) code. Completed questionnaires were received from fifty-three of the sixty-five persons who took the examination in 1975 and 1976. Backgrounds of individuals varied, especially in years of experience. The majority of those responding had worked in both health sciences and other libraries. Experience in health sciences libraries was reported by 92% of those replying. A number of reasons for seeking MLA certification were given. Problems in being able to take MLA-approved courses prompted the choice of the examination process. Preparation for the examination was chiefly by self-directed study. Continuing education courses were considered as of greater value for professional development than as help on the examination. The examination was rated "moderately difficult" by 57% of those responding. Opinions were expressed on the skills and areas of expertise which were considered by this group to be important in an examination for professional competence.

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