Modelação do processamento neuronal primário no sistema visual de mamíferos. / Modelling the primary neural processing in mammal s visual system.




Since the discovery of the receptive field properties of cortical neurons in the primary visual cortex, their organization has been studied with many methods ranging from electrophysiology and optical imaging to computational neuroscience. Few models have been capable of showing ocularity and orientation selectivity simultaneously. A large-scale computational model of the mammalian primary visual pathway was constructed using GENESIS 2.2. The model consists of ~10,000 biologically plausible neurons organized in eight arrays to represent sectors of two retinas, two laminae of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus and two laminae of the visual cortex (each cortical lamina composed of a matrix of excitatory neurons and a matrix of inhibitory neurons). The physiological and architecture properties of the model were derived from experimental data for the mammalian primary visual pathway. Neurons have shown ocular and orientation selectivity dependent responses in good agreement with data. Though neurons in the cortex have shown markedly heterogeneity in the tuning responses, the latency of response was uniform and in good agreement with reported data.


neural networks neurociência computacional sistema visual computational neuroscience visual system redes neurais

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