Modelagem deterministica de reatores de lama cataliticos trifasicos




The principal aim of this work was the development of a software capable to represent via deterministic modelling the dynamic behaviour of three-phase slurry catalytic reactors. Intending to achieve a realistic representation of the system, detailed models are utilized. They consist of mass and heat balance equations for the catalyst particles as well as for the bulk phases of gas and liquid. These non-isothermal heterogeneous models include: the resistance to mass and heat transfer at the gas-liquid and liquid-solid interface, as well as for the catalyst particle; the heat exchange with the refrigerant fluid; and the consideration of the variation of physicochemical properties and transfer coefficients of mass and heat that are reckoned through correlations available in the literature. The models were applied to describe the reactor dynamic behaviour during the hydrogenation of o-cresol on Ni/SiO2 catalyst. However, the models can easily be adapted to other reactions thanks to the generality adopted during their development. In practice, under specific situations, the change of phase of the reacting medium and of the refrigerant fluid is observed. Aiming to evaluate the impact of these phenomena in the dynamic behaviour of the reactor, a multicomponent flash calculation was used to reproduce this effect in the reacting medium and an appropriate correction procedure of the global coefficient of heat transfer to analyse the effect in the refrigerant fluid. The models allowed to reproduce the main dynamic characteristics of the reactor in face of several changes in operational parameters of the reactor and the developed software allows the user to consider the complexities introduced in the model with the aim of a better reproduction of possible chemical plant data. This knowledge is fundamental for the development of an efficient and safe control strategy as well as for studies of optimization and design of the three-phase reactor. The software is the property of the author of this work and his supervisors; it is registered in the LOPCA and can only be used subjected to prior authorization.


hidrogenação modelos matematicos reatores quimicos mudança de estado (fisica)

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