Modelagem e simulação de reator trifasico aplicado a oleos pesados com reações de hidrocraqueamento termico e catalitico, desmetalização e deposição de coque na mistura e no catalisador




This work presents the mode1ingand simu1ationof a three-phase catalitic reactor appied to hydrocracking of vacuum residue under severe operational conditions of temperature and pressure. Qur purpose was to mode1the main phenomena responsable for the ffequent stops on the hydrocracking reactor, which are the separationship of phases due precipitation of aspha1tenes,the coke deposition on the reactional mixture as well as in the mesopores of the cata1yst. The fluidynamic was described by the mode1 developed by Carbonell (1996). The mode1ingof the precipitation of asphaltenes was re1ated to the solubility of asphaltenes in a mixture composed by light ffaction, saturates, aromatics and resins. The production of coke on the mixture was re1ated to the precipitation of asphaltenes. The demetalizationwas re1atedto the deposition of coke on the surface of the catalyst. The modelling ofthe 10ssofthe activity of catalyst considers the deposition of coke on the mesopores of the catalyst. The results shown that the use of catalyst decrease theamount of precipitates on the mixture, and the amount of coke in the mixture


asfalteno craqueamento petroleo - conversão

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