Modelagem e simulaçao do processo de hidrogenação de oleo de soja em um reator de recirculação (tipo loop). / Modelling and simulation of the hidrogenation soybean oil process in a recirculation reactor (type Loop).




This is a thesis on modeling and simulation of a loop reactor for hydrogenation of soybean oil. Considering the advantages offered by jet loop reactors and the modelling lack for oils hydrogenation, three models are proposed to describes it: the first is a batch reactor; the second is an association of a CSTR in series with PFR and the third is an association of a large CSTR with a series of smaller CSTR. The process was described through the mass and energy balance equations, a model for kinetic reactions and third parties experimental data. Oil properties were evaluated through group contribution theory, taking into account temperature and fatty acids composition occurring during the process. Batch model equations were solved analytically and the others were solved using a finite difference method. Mass transfer coefficients were evaluated according to experimental data. Gas-liquid coefficients were lower than the expected ones for a reactor of this kind, but they were close to the pilot unities. Liquid-solid coefficients showed similar behavior to those reported in the literature. As expected, the liquidsolid mass transfer resistance showed to be very small when compared to gasliquid. Hydrogen diffusion inside catalyst s pores was negligible. The association of reactors in series seemed to be the best model although statistical variance analysis showed no significance for the difference among the three models used. Although there was a slight difference when comparing the three models, the induction time correction enhanced the process modelling.


simulation modelling simulação reatores quimicos oleos vegetais soybean oil hidrogenação hydrogenation mass transference transferencia de massa reactor modelagem

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