Modelo de acompanhamento de obras baseado em indicadores




Building and construction companies, mainly small and mid size ones, make a poor use of management tools available in the market. Without adequate information, the field engineer relies solely upon his own experience in order to deal with managerial issues related to the construction of a given site. Management skills in the building and construction industry have been acquired basically through on-the-job experience, and such behavior is responsible for the lack of a systematic approach towards management of construction. The attendance of constructions based on performance indicators has the objective of detecting deviations from the original construction plan using field data, giving a valuable contribution to the continuous development of the company. The purpose of this dissertation is to propose the implementation of a construction attendance model based on the Quality Managament System with the help of performance indicators, using handheld computers to collect and generate managerial data to the engineer. This tool will be demonstrated through a case study carried on a small building company focused on the residential buildings market.


indústria de construção civil - administração construção civil - controle de qualidade construção civil - indicadores engenharia de producao

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