Modelo de avaliação de cooperativa ? escola: instrumental testado nas unidades escolares da Bahia.




The main issue of this work is the Cooperative-school, which is identified as a social institution that promotes education and preparation for the job market. However, the question here is: What is the category of a Cooperative-school that simultaneously promotes educative activities and generation of jobs and income? This question relocates the investigation to another angle, trying to find a way to answer the matter that emerged. So an evaluation model has been created based on the idea that the knowledge building process considers pre-existing information and is fed by the empirical-theory relationship. Two key constructs were defined: Cooperative and School. For the Cooperative construct, four factors were identified: administrative, economic, social and participation. For the School construct, three main factors were identified: school physical environment, teachers and operational aspects. The model has been tested in units in the State of Bahia. The main results were: most units began as parent cooperative systems and luter on changed into both parent and teacher cooperatives. Nowadays, the teacher cooperative emerges as a hegemonic tendency. The best conditions for operating cooperative-schools are found in cities which have between 41.000 to 135.000 inhabitants. On the other hand, cities with higher incomes and a greater number of inhabitants do not constitute the principal market for the operation of cooperatives. For the Cooperative construct, the teacher category presented the best management results and the unit of Nazaré received the highest score. For the School construct, the Barreiras unit was the one that achieved the best position. In conclusion, the evaluation model presented efficiency and good conditions with respect to identifying the phenomenon that integrates the problem and interpreting the studied reality.


cooperativa school cooperativa de pais educacao escola cooperativa de docentes cooperativa mista avaliação cooperative hybrid cooperative parents? cooperative teachers? cooperative evaluation

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