Modelo de suspensão pela cauda e seu efeito em algumas propriedades mecânicas do osso do rato / Model of suspension for the tail and its effect in some mechanical properties of the bone of the rat




The maintenance of the normal metabolism of minerals in bone is a result of several factors including the mechanical demands that are applied to the bones by the muscle contractions and gravity force. The purpose of this investigation was to study a model of tail suspension of the rat thus simulating the skeletal alterations that may occur in a microgravity environment. The model was analyzed in terms of animal tolerance and the ensuing effects on the mechanical resistance of the tibiofibular complex. After a three-point bending test in flexion the main mechanical parameters were obtained, (load and deflection at the ultimate limit, load and deflection at the yielding point, stiffness and resilience). Fifty-three adult female rats were used and distributed in four groups according to the length of time in suspension (control, 7, 14 and 21 days). The model of suspension was efficient with well adaptation of the animals and caused a significative weakness of bones mainly in the 21 day period


ratos mechanical properties bone tail suspension rat simulação de microgravidade suspensão pela cauda microgravity simulation propriedades mecânicas osso

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