"Modulação por mecanismos serotoninérgicos do comportamento exploratório de ratos submetidos ao teste e reteste no labirinto em cruz elevado" / "Modulation by serotonergic mechanisms of the exploratory behavior of rats submitted to the test and retest in the elevated plus-maze"




The elevated plus-maze (EPM) is currently one of the most used test of anxiety. An intriguing feature of this model is the abolition of the anxiolytic effect of benzodiazepines by a single previous experience with the maze. This phenomenon, termed one-trial tolerance (OTT), has received considerable attention and among the several hypotheses suggested to explain it, we can listed a shift in the animal emotional state, lack of motivational conflict and exploratory behavior habituation. The discovery that benzodiazepines reduce the activity of serotonergic neurons, associated with results obtained in conflict tests showing that serotonergic antagonists may cause anxiolitic-like effects comparable to the benzodiazepines, has led to the notion that the serotonin (5-HT) is the most important neurotransmitter involved in the anxiety. Nevertheless, with the use of other animal models, the 5-HT involvement has been questioned, at the same time that other biogenic amines, such as noradrenalin (NA), have been implicated in the anxiety modulation. In this study, we carried out an ethopharmacological analysis of rats under treatment with the serotonergic antagonist ketanserin and the antidepressants fluoxetine and desipramine submitted to the test and retest in the EPM. These antidepressants increase the synaptic levels of 5-HT and NA, respectively. Besides, plasma corticosterone concentrations - considered a reliable index of fear and stress - of rats exposed once or twice to the EPM were measured. The drugs injected before the retest in the EPM did not produce anxiolytic effects, replicating the OTT phenomenon generally associated with the benzodiazepines. On the other hand, ketanserin injected before the first session produced an anxiolytic effect but the subchronic treatment with fluoxetine and desipramine did not change the exploratory behavior of the animals in the EPM. Naive and experienced rats show a similar increase in the plasma corticosterone levels when submitted to the EPM, indicating that the retest to EPM has aversive properties and the OTT may be more related to a change in the emotional state of the animal than to a habituation of the exploratory behavior.


corticosterona labirinto em cruz elevado one-trial tolerance one-trial tolerance elevated plus-maze serotonina corticosterone serotonin

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