Molecular and Genetic Characterization of a Taf1p Domain Essential for Yeast TFIID Assembly


American Society for Microbiology


Yeast Taf1p is an integral component of the multiprotein transcription factor TFIID. By using coimmunoprecipitation assays, coupled with a comprehensive set of deletion mutants encompassing the entire open reading frame of TAF1, we have discovered an essential role of a small portion of yeast Taf1p. This domain of Taf1p, termed region 4, consisting of amino acids 200 to 303, contributes critically to the assembly and stability of the 15-subunit TFIID holocomplex. Region 4 of Taf1p is mutationally sensitive, can assemble several Tafps into a partial TFIID complex, and interacts directly with Taf4p and Taf6p. Mutations in Taf1p-region 4 induce temperature-conditional growth of yeast cells. At the nonpermissive temperature these mutations have drastic effects on both TFIID integrity and mRNA synthesis. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that Taf1p subserves a critical scaffold function within the TFIID complex. The significance of these data with regard to TFIID structure and function is discussed.

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