Molecular Machinations: Chemokine Signals in Host-Pathogen Interactions


American Society for Microbiology


Chemokines and their G-protein-coupled receptors represent an ancient and complex system of cellular communication participating in growth, development, homeostasis and immunity. Chemokine production has been detected in virtually every microbial infection examined; however, the precise role of chemokines is still far from clear. In most cases they appear to promote host resistance by mobilizing leukocytes and activating immune functions that kill, expel, or sequester pathogens. In other cases, the chemokine system has been pirated by pathogens, especially protozoa and viruses, which have exploited host chemokine receptors as modes of cellular invasion or developed chemokine mimics and binding proteins that act as antagonists or inappropriate agonists. Understanding microbial mechanisms of chemokine evasion will potentially lead to novel antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory therapeutic agents.

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