Money and the Sacred: a consideration of the interfaces of cultural, religious and economic phenomenons and their existential reflexes in the light of the Social Sciences and the Analytical Psychology / O DINHEIRO E O SAGRADO Uma leitura das interfaces de fenômenos culturais, religiosos e econômicos e de seus reflexos existenciais, à luz das Ciências Sociais e da Psicologia Analítica




This thesis resulted from a research on the usage and influence of the money on existential matters, within the capitalist context, connected to the tripod: health, love and spirituality. Several types of bonds, affectionate or not, existing in human relations in the family, market and State fields, were analyzed leading to the quest for the sacred that brings existential sense and meaning. The theoretical axis lies in an interface between the Social Sciences and the Analytical Psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), who expresses in his work the human need to find fulfillment by conquering consciously a state of evolutionary integration. This integral dimension exists when the unification of several aspects of the self with the unconscious, teleologically expressed in the individuation process, is made. However, the outcome of the scientific and technological evolution, in addition to the market supremacy, encompasses almost all human life fields granting too much importance to the money. For example, even the religious field was taken by the monetary logics that invaded it imposing a monetarized attitude in the religious practices and rituals, as it happens in some neopentecostal churches. The overvaluation of the money contributes not only to a process that combines desacralization and social exclusion but also to the significant increase in sicknesses in all fields in which the exchanges are not being freely made. With exchange interdiction, life vanishes compromising the human evolution in the physical, psychic, social, spiritual, family, affectionate or professional field. As the desire for profit and accumulation prevents the exchanges from taking place, the conquest of the integral dimension becomes shadowed until it is replaced by the consumption anesthesia in the sense of relieving, although not eliminating, the feelings of anguish resulting from the lack of existential meaning. In this work, there is a quest for the understanding of the reason why the contemporary human being stopped exchanging freely and started to accumulate frequently by means of superfluous consumption, being at the mercy of a market that intends to be hegemonic placing money as a way to cure and salvation. That is why we analyzed the possibilities that may exist to make real a re-adaptation of the usage of the money to serve the individuation and the existential fulfillment.(AU)


money ciencias humanas health religião e psicologia saúde religion dinheiro sacred neopentecostalism psychology jung

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